
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ShipmentContainer
Physical Name : AS_CNR_SHP

A specific instance of a CONTAINER within a SHIPMENT.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
FreightBillID (FK)(PK) The carrier-assigned shipping document number ID_BL_FRGT Identity integer FreightBill(DO_BL_FRGT)
FreightBillLineNumber (PK) The line number on the FREIGHT BILL to which this particular shipment container applies. IC_BL_FRGT LineNumber smallint
ContainerTypeCode (FK) A category of container that defines what it is made of, its type (primarily its material handling category - e.g. 55 gallon drums, pallets, cases, etc.) and its shape. CD_CNR_TYP Code varchar(20) ContainerType(ID_TYP_CNR)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ContainerType validates ShipmentContainer
FreightBill includes ShipmentContainer
ShipmentContainer may include ShipmentContainerMerchandiseLineItem

Logical Views containing ShipmentContainer

Logical View
Logical 02100 - Item Inventory - Macro View
Logical 02130 - Item Inventory - Receiving View
Logical 02309 - Retail Transaction Delivery